Thursday, June 7

Cali and Ranger

Guess who:
Fluffy butts

The above photo is of Sapphire and Slush standing next to each other. Quite shocking really how different they look at the moment. Slush is near enough totally black where as Sapphire is still quite clearly and Arctic fox. 
Weather in their summer or winter coat I think they both look amazing. I must get some better photos of the whole of Slush so you can see how very adorable he looks. 

As well as looking quite different Slush has also looked very cold. It seems the hot weather has left us and in it's place has been left rain and grey sky's and so it has also been rather chilly. Thankfully I had plenty of blankets to give Slush to keep him warm so he seems fine as does Sapphire who in the last 3 days has really been catching up with the shedding. 

As well as having two very different looking Arctics we have gained 2 bouncing baby vulpes vulpes

As you all know we were all totally heartbroken when Freyja passed away. She was here for such a short time and yet left a HUGE gaping hole in our hearts so we decided that though nothing could every bring her back we still had love to give and so we made the decision that we would get another. 

Early last week we saw some platinum white mark vulpes vulpes for sale. I am very fond of platinum foxes and so I suggested that we get one.  My partner agreed so off we went to get a platinum fox. . . or so we thought. . . 

Upon our arrival we met 3 female foxes; one platinum and two platinum gold. The first one I held was a platinum gold and was very, very cute. The second was the platinum and she was adorable but a bit of a biter and the third . . . The third my partner was holding and she stole my heart. 

It was still quite hellish trying to choose between them all. They were all so very playful with each other but Cali just looked so very beautiful I just had to have her! 

SO this is Cali the platinum gold Vulpes Vulpes:


Cali adores attention from anyone willing to give it and is even quite fond of having her photo taken:

Hey mum!

But her FAVOURITE thing in the world is her cat teaser

Once we had Cali my other half decided that he would quite like a silver fox. As Cali will be moving outside when she is about 6 months old it would be cruel to make her live out there alone.

Ranger is a silver phase Vulpes Vulpes. As quite obviously my partners favourite phase is silver I was not going to hear the end of it until he got his own little fox. 

Ranger is the youngest and the most mischievous. Much like Cali he adores any and every one and even Valla seems to think he is a wonderful playmate. . . I wonder if he reminds her of Freyja? 

Here he is setting the sat nav for home:

And enjoying the cat teaser like the crazy little guy he is:
Crazy Ranger

So that is everyone!

All the kits are taking very well to litter training and are learning tricks amazingly fast due to their age and their love of food.  

I am pretty sure that is us done as for getting foxes. . . Well until some bat eared foxes pop up hehe. 

Oh we also have a little red vulpes vulpes by the name of Secret but like his name he is top Secret shhh!



  1. Awesome!
    Will you be posting any videos of them? :)

    1. Yep!I have quite allot I have to edit and upload :-). -Elina

  2. Cali reminds me a lot of Kenti - her face has that mischievous look to it. Both Cali and Ranger are SUPER cute!

  3. Hello,
    I know this has nothing to do with your blog, but i came across it in search of a fennec fox kit.
    I was hoping you had info on reputable breeders or somewhere i can locate some kits, It has been a long search and to no avail :( and the mating season is over. If you do have any info please please pass it on.
    Love your blog! Thanks!!!

    1. Where abouts are you located? I know quite a few breeders in the US and two including myself in the UK. -Elina
