Thursday, May 26

Baby photos!

What kind of mother would I be if I did not spam you all with baby. . . Well kit photos?!

On the 24th I gave the kits a shower, Freyja as she smells. . . Like an Arctic hehe and Valla as hugging an Arctic seems to make you smell of one!

Here is a soggy Valla:
And a very doggy looking Freyja:

I was quite amazed the first time I bathed Freyja how much she looks like a little dog.
Here are some from today:
Valla having a nap with her big sister Sprite. (Excuse the dress, it was a gift and Sprite has become quite fond of it.)
I have found it very hard to take photos of Freyja, I have no idea why but often you can see no detail on her in the photos hence there are so few.
Freyja with crazy eyes hugs Sprite hehe.
Sprite looks over sleeping Valla.
Valla relaxing on me.
Valla and Pig.
Pig, Valla and Sprite; The play pals.

I also made a video of Valla and Freyja playing:

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the photo-spams! Valla kinda looks like a fox terrier when she's all wet. ^^ Both of them are super cute!!
